Chapter Four

.......I was remembering, just now, about one day when the two Little Royal Sisters, The Royal Princsa and the Royal Beya, were at home with their mother, The Royal Queen. The were still living in their own Kindom, "The Land of Snow" on the planet known as "Winter", (which some called Wisconsin). As they played together, one of their favorite things to do was to stop occasionally and stand looking out their favorite window together.

It was on this day that the snow did something very strange. As the two Royal Females were looking out the window, (Princesa was tall so she could see a little better), the snow was falling out of the sky in huge, white, sparkling, snowflakes. The snow looked like balls of cotton, and like diamonds, and also like fairy dust. It fell so fast that it fell first in sheets, then in blankets! It would shoot down in long streaks, then it would fly sideways, singing "hoooo, whoooooo"......(which in the Language of Snow meant "Oh Boy, I'm having fun!" The snow would dance and whirl around in circles, which made Little Beya laugh and whirl around in circles, too.

But this snow was even more interesting than snow always is! This snow took root as it fell up on the ground, and grew higher as more snow fell. First the Kindom of Snow was covered with a shimmering, white, sheet of snow. Then, the snow grew higher as it fell from the sky, so that it was like a high, fluffy, pillow, which covered the whole land! Then, it appeared the snow had stopped dancing around and gone to sleep. The little Royal Girls began to bore so the Queen sat them down on the Royal Sofa and they fell asleep while watching a movie about a Little Bear. While they were asleep, the snow began to dance again, and grow higher and higher each minute.

The two Royal Females woke up from their naps very angry at the Royal Pet Lizzard, (who looked like a dog, only much smaller). The LIzzard was yipping and yipping and jumping up and down like a rubber ball, ...boing, boing, boing.
Beya began screaming, "Lizzard, stop that!", (in her own manor of speaking, of course). The Princesa ran looking for The Queen to complain, but she suddenly stopped.....Why did she stop? The Princesa stopped in her tracks because when she ran by the girls favorite Royal Window, she could see nothing but white!

While they were sleeping the snow had fallen down from the sky, and grown up from the ground, until it had covered the Royal Window!. The girls called The Queen who came running to see what was happening. When she saw that the girls were alarmed because their window was covered with white snow, she began to laugh. When the Queen laughed, the sound she made laughing was like music.

The two Royal Girls just absolutely loved nothing more than to hear The Queen laugh! When The Queen began to laugh, it made the corners of thier lips turn up in a big smile, they couldn't help it! The, a rumble of laughter would swell up in their bellies and burst out of their chests.....The Beya would laugh like a little woodchuck, with a deep, "chuckle, chuckle". The Princesa would laugh as if she were being tickled, "teeeeeeheeeeeetehe"! And the Pet Lizard, (who looked like a dog), just kept squealing. "yip, yip, yip".

Finally the music stopped and the Queen began to speak. She said, "Don't be silly little Princesses. Why to you think we named our land, "The Land of Snow"?'
The girls got quiet and thought about the answer. The Land of Snow was named the "Land of Snow", because?.................................................Then the lights over head began to flash on and off as The Princesa got an idea! She exclaimed, "The Land of Snow is called that because it snows and snows and snows!!!"

"Very good!", said the Queen, but she was carefull not to laugh again, as she didn't want the Royal Pet Lizzard to start yipping, yipping, yipping.

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