Chapter Two

So, as we were remembering, the King was growling his biggest, loudest, angriest, growl. His nose was red and sore because The Princesa had landed on it when she bounced off the ceiling. His tummy was sore because Beya had somersaulted on it when she fell down laughing at The Princess. The King growled, and roared , until The Queen finally gave her biggest, meanest, angriest, roar, which sounded like music. When the King roared , it sounded like lightening and thunder; lions and tigers; airplanes and trains. When The Queen roared, it sounded first like distant drums, then, the sound of chimes, blowing in the breeze. With chimes could be heard the sound of a single flute singing lullaby, lullaby, ........ and finally, the ringing of bells. The bells that sounded when The Queen roared were of all sizes. The "clang-clang" of church bells were heard with the "jingle-jingle" of Christmas bells. Then the dingaling, dingaling of the cell phone could be heard, together with the tinkle of tiny cherry bells, hanging on a string and the "bong! bong!" of the Bong when hit with a stick. These sounds added to tamborines and triangles, with soft violins singing the the background.

The sound of The Queen's roar was so pleasant that the Royal Pet Lizard, whose name was Dog, jumped off the back of the sofa, down to the floor, to his very special sleeping place, and smiled himself off to sleep. The land of Snow no longer shook and shuttered, the Castle of Snow was once again calm and lazy. Best of all, The King stopped roaring and began to smile!

"Good", said The Queen, now we are going to the kitchen to make a little breakfast and watch cartoons. With a nod of her little head, she jumped down off the stack of magazines and took each of the Royal Children by the hand. They were quiet as little mice as they went off to the kitchen to eat cereal with snow cream berries and watch cartoons.

The King smiled and stretched and made his humming, contented roar, as he stretched his arms way up high, then patted the top of his head with a smile, and followed along behind them. The King was thinking that, since today was Family Day, it might be fun to have a picnic........ He was smiling.


Marlen Cruz said...

Princesa says: I love you grandma and Grandpa. my grandma is very sweet and i hope to see you soon.
I will be writing a story for you.
I really enjoy reading the story, Thanks.

Royal Princesa and Royal Beya.

Grandmother of Wildflowers said...

Dear Princesa and Beya, I love you two beautiful, intelligent, talented, loveing, more-special-than-anyone-in-the-world, grandaughters!

Grandmother of Wildflowers said...

Love from the Royal Grama and Royal Grampa.

Great Big Kisses and Hugs.