Chapter Five

... so now we know how the two Little Princesses learned how the Land of Snow got it's name. They were happy about that and did not mind at all that the snow had fallen down from the sky, and grown up from the ground, so that it had covered their favorite Royal Window, making it white.

.... Just then, however, The Princesa, who was older and asked a lot of questions, began to form a question in her mind, which popped right out her mouth in a big, whailing sound. "But The King", she exclaimed to The Queen Mother, "is out doing The Royal job, 'To Work'! "

"How will he ever get home to the Royal Castle in all of this snow!?"

The Little Princessa grabbed her Baby Princess Sister by her hand and pulled her along as she ran to the Castle Stairs, and carefully took each step to the next floor of The Castle. They went up to the second floor and looked at the window, it was white with snow.

She took her sister up to the third floor of her Castle and looked at the window, It was also white. They snow had really grown high this time! The two little Princesses went up to the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh floors of the Castle, and all the windows were white with snow. Finally The Queen arrived, huffing and puffing from all the stairs. She picked up her worried little Princesses, and carried them to the Castle Rooftop, to stand on the balcony and look for The King to be coming home from "To Work".

The Castle rooftop balcony was very cold because it was outside on the highest point of the Castle Roof. From there the Princesa and Beya could see the whole Land of Snow. But The Princesa was very worried abut how the King would get home. The snow had covered the whole Land of Snow and there were no trains to be seen, no people walking, and no cars to be seen along the road. Oh, dear, she worried, I miss The King! Will he be able to come home?

"What's that?" shouted Baby Beya, only it sounded like "Aus dat?", (as Beya was the smaller of the two Princesses and had her own manor of speaking), ..............the Princesa stopped worrying and listened with both ears, as The Queen was also listening with both ears.

They heard a rumpling sound, was it thunder?

It was a buzzing sound, was it a saw?

It had a banging and a clanging sound, what was it?

Just then, the Lizzard arrived at the top of the stairs and ran out to the balcony to be with his Royal People. Now The Lizzard would have arrived sooner but he is so small, being a Lizzard who only looked like a dog but not being nearly as big as a dog, it took him all this time to climb the seven stairs.....

past the seven floors with the seven windows, white with snow, ........

and find his Royal People, ........

who were out on the rooftop balcony listening to a strange sound in the distance.

At that moment, The Royal Lizzard also heard a sound, and immediately began to yip happy yips! Then, they saw the noise! ..........

It was the Happy Snow Plow Driver , who cleared the snow off the Royal Roads in the Kingdom of Snow! As he drove his great big snow plough up the road,

clanging and banging, buzzing and rumbling,

the snow flew up in the air and landed on the sides of the road, leaving the road clear whereever he passed. He drove up the hill and around the curve clearing the snow from the roads so the cars could drive again! He drove past the Royal Castle and waived up to the Two Little Princesas, as they waived back down to him. And who do you think was coming up the Royal Road, just behind the Royal Snow Plow? ......................?

The Royal King was coming. He honked his horn and waived a happy greating as he drove The Royal Vehicle up the freshly snow-plowed road, and onto the Royal Driveway. He also waived up to the Two Little Princesses, and blew a Big Royal Kiss up to The Royal Queen. Then, like always, he yelled up to The Lizzard to stoop yipping, (and like always, The Lizzard kept on yipping).

The Royal King, who was a giant as big as most houses, reached way up to the Royal Rooftop Balcony and picked up his two, happy, Princesas! He tickled The Princesa and threw The Beya up in the air for a full mile, catching her in his arms when she came down, then he took is Royal Girls, and his Royal Queen, down the stairs and put them down softly, and gently, each with a hug and kiss.

Later, that evening the fire was burning in the fireplace and The Queen was talking on the Royal Cell Phone. The King's tummy was full of dinner so he layed back on his Big Royal Chair. He looked very tired and grouchy. The Royal Princesses knew it was time to be quiet. They and began to read books and work puzzles but spoke to each other in soft, soft, whispers.

Soon, The Lizzard arrived from the rooftop balcony, and went to his Royal Bed behind The Royal Kitchen door, and The Royal Queen took The Little Princesa, and her Little Princess Sister, to bed where she covered them with her long, warm hair, (which so long that it went down her back and followed behinder her on the floor), and snuggled them to sleep. Just as The Little Princesa was starting to dream, she began to think about her Royal Grampa; the one named "Grampa Fartsalot".

1 comment:

Marlen Cruz said...

Princesa says: I dreamed that grampa farsalot, grama, beya and me were playing outside in the snow.